Most parents like you and me prefer bassinets over the crib to provide extra care and comfort to the newborn.

But before buying this comfortable bed for infants, it’s important to understand how long a baby can sleep in a bassinet and when to stop using bassinet?

As per the manufacturer’s ( bassinet’s) recommendation, you can use the bassinet for up to 5-6 months or until your infant does not exceed the weight (15 to 25 lbs) limit.

So, there is no fixed number to keep in mind because it depends on your bassinet.

How Long Can a Baby Sleep In a Bassinet

Sleeping in a small or uncomfortable place is not a good bigger baby. It affects the health & growth of the newborn and many other things.

And also, using it longer than the recommended limit will increase the risk of SIDS [1] & bassinet collapse. But is that true?

So, let’s check some factors & evidence that help you understand how long can baby sleep in bassinet and at what age you should stop using it?

And what the paediatrician recommended. So let’s dive in!

How Long Can a Baby Sleep In a Bassinet?

The bassinet’s longevity depends upon two primary factors: Age and Weight limit. Whereas the Age, defines how long your infant can feel comfortable in it ( in other words, the bassinet’s size), the weight limit determines how much a healthy baby can place in it without worry.

baby sleeping in bassinet near the mom over the bed

For example, Suppose your infant is 5 months old and big enough for not to place in the bassinet.

This means the bassinet’s size is unsuitable for proper infant growth.

Another way, suppose your infant is 7 months old and still does not outgrow the bassinet, but their weight exceeds the recommended limit, as usually happens in healthy babies.

So, using a bassinet after the recommended weight limit will increase the risk of bassinet collapse and lead to serious injury.

Bassinet Age & Weight Limit – How Long Can Baby Stay?

Standard age and weight limit recommendation for a bassinet, co-sleeper bassinet and bedside bassinet

Product Age Limit Weight Limit
Bassinet 4 – 6 month 15 -25 lbs
Mose Basket 3 – 5 month No Limit, Base Touch the floor
Co Sleeper  Bassinet 4 – 5 month No Limit, Base Touch the floor
Bedside Bassinet 4 – 6 month 20 – 30 lbs

So the conclusion is the bassinet’s longevity depends upon the size of the bassinet and its weight limit. Its size & weight defines how long ( usually 4-5 months ) your baby can comfortably sleep in it before exceeding its weight (15- 25lbs) limit.

Now the question is, are the Age and weight limit enough to come to a conclusion, when should baby stop sleeping in bassinet?

The answer is no; some other essential factors are also recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to lower the risk of SIDS. Such as infants rolling in the bassinet, risk of suffocation, etc.

These factors will help you understand more precisely when to stop using bassinet?

So let’s check these

When To Stop Using Bassinet? – Timely & Safely

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP), you should stop using the bassinet if your infant starts rolling in it, pushing himself out of it, or cross the weight and Age limit defined by the manufacturer, whatever comes first to keep your infant safe.

Let me explain in depth so that you can make a valuable decision at the end of this ultimate guide: How long can a baby sleep in a bassinet?

So let’s dive into it

1.) Newborn Rolling to Side In Bassinet:

If your infants start rolling in the bassinet while sleeping, that means they are at much higher risk than before.

Every year 3,500 infants die due to suffocation, as WebMD [2] said:

Newborn baby Rolling to Side In Bassinet

About 3,500 infants die every year in the U.S. from sleep-related deaths.

But how did this happen?

Suppose you are sleeping, and it’s the middle of the night. Your baby rolls over in the bassinet making their face come in contact with the side of the bassinet wall.

And infants don’t have the strength to move their heads or turn back as we do.

So, this increases the risk of suffocation.

Note: Some bassinets have mesh sides wall or mesh windows on their side, which reduces the risk of suffocation; that is why people prefer the bassinet with mesh side walls.

Watch this experiment performed by Full Control Lab.

Now the question is, when do infants start rolling over? or At what Age do babies turn over?

According to the Helpmegrowmn [3], the newborn baby usually takes up to 4 months to turn or rock from side to side. In both cases, they can’t turn over on their back because of their insufficient strength.

At the Age of 6 months, the baby will roll in both directions and can also roll over from tummy to back.

Average Age To Roll Over In Bassinet

Start Rolling As Early As 4 Months Old
Roll Back To Their Back 6 Months Old, Babies Will Typically Roll Over In Both Directions

Can Baby Sleep In Bassinet If Rolling Over?

No, it is not safe. According to the AAP, you should stop using the bassinet once your baby starts rolling in it because, at that position, your infant is at a higher risk of suffocation.

Now the next question is: how to keep a newborn from rolling on the side?

The best way to keep your newborn rolling to the side in the bassinet is by using an Anti-Rollover blanket; if your baby is comfortable in the blanket & not cross the prescribed limit of the bassinet.

Bassinet Insert To Prevent Rolling

These are 2 two best bassinet inserts to prevent the infant from rolling. You can attach these blankets to the crib or bassinet to ensure your baby will not turn or roll over while sleeping.

anti rolling blanket for baby
Product Name Latest Price
Baby Brezza Safe Anti-Roller Blanket Price
Happiest Anti-Roller Blanket Price

So what is the conclusion,

Well, if your newborn baby starts rolling in the bassinet, it’s time to stop using it. But make sure you don’t move the infant to a separate room.

According to AAP recommendations,[4] infants should stay in the same room for about 12 months or atleast 6 months to avoid the risk of SIDS.

Yet, if he starts rolling over early, you should transition to the crib in the same room.

Keep your baby’s bassinet, play yard or crib in your room for the first six to 12 months. Room-sharing decreases the risk of SIDS and makes it easier to feed, comfort and watch the baby.

Note: if you need help to prepare your infant to smoothly move the infant from bassinet to crib, then read this; How to Transition from Bassinet to Crib?

#2. Keep An Eye On Age & Weight:-

The dimension of your newborn sleeping area defines how long a baby can sleep in a bassinet.

Most of the bassinet age range falls between 4 to 6 months. After that, you have to stop using it because your baby is grown enough that he will not fit or feel comfortable in it.

Suppose you give birth to a premature baby; then how much time does he need to outgrow his bassinet.

Well, definitely more than 6 months.

The same thing happens with a bassinet weight limit.

The manufacturer recommends using a bassinet up to 15lbs to 30lbs (depending upon the bassinet).

But, Some babies grow faster than normal, which means they will cross the weight limit before their age reach.

This is what you have to understand and test by yourself; until what age can a baby sleep in a bassinet?

big baby

Your observation plays here a crucial role.

Check this Table: Age with Weight of the newborn baby as per CDC[5].

Age 50th percentile weight for male babies 50th percentile weight for female babies
Birth 7.8 lbs. (3.5 kg) 7.5 lbs. (3.4 kg)
0.5 months 8.8 lbs. (4.0 kg) 8.4 lbs. (3.8 kg)
1.5 months 10.8 lbs. (4.9 kg) 9.9 lbs. (4.5 kg)
2.5 months 12.6 lbs. (5.7 kg) 11.5 lbs. (5.2 kg)
3.5 months 14.1 lbs. (6.4 kg) 13 lbs. (5.9 kg)
4.5 months 15.4 lbs. (7.0 kg) 14.1 lbs. (6.4 kg)
5.5 months 16.8 lbs. (7.6 kg) 15.4 lbs. (7.0 kg)
6.5 months 18 lbs. (8.2 kg) 16.5 lbs. (7.5 kg)

Information source CDC boy Chart growth [6] & CDC Girl Growth chart [7].

Don’t use the bassinet after your baby crosses the weight limit because your baby bassinet is not designed to hold more than that. It can collapse and cause serious injury [8].

Several of the deaths were associated with risks that are unique to bassinets. Bassinets may collapse, have broken wooden slats, or malfunction stabilizing clips.

Always ask 3 questions to yourself to understand when to move the baby out of the bassinet?

  1. Have your baby reach the bassinet age limit recommendation.
  2. Have your baby cross the recommended weight limit.
  3. Is he start feeling uncomfortable in it before the Age & weight limit.

Your child’s safety depends on your decisions.

Note:- Always check your bassinet manual to correctly assemble it, and don’t forget to stay updated with the bassinet recalls for extra safety.

Word Of Advice

Every family has its own needs and requirements. I’ve tried to show you the factors essential when deciding; How long can a baby stay in a bassinet & when to move out of bassinet?

Don’t be so quick to make any decision. Take your time. Evaluate your baby’s current situation to understand when it’s the best time for your baby to move out.

If your little angel is not sitting up or rolling over and weighs within the limit recommendation, then there are no worries.

Besides the above two points, comfort will also be a significant determinant.

Choosing a bassinet made from soft material and offering innovative features, like a modern bassinet. It will give your baby a perfect sleeping environment.

Hopefully, it helps you make your decision.

Some FAQ

Q1: When Is Baby Too Big For Bassinet?

There is no hard and fast rule for when a baby is too big for a bassinet, but generally speaking, most babies outgrow their bassinets by around 4 to 6 months old. At this age, they usually grow enough and are able to roll over and cross the age and weight limit.

Q2: When Do Babies Outgrow Bassinets?

After 4-6 months of age, the baby can outgrow the bassinet, but there are many other factors, including are; growth rate, baby size and weight, and infant rolling. If you put all these things in one bucket, I’m sure you can understand that when your baby outgrows his bassinet.

Q3: Can Baby Suffocate On Side Of Bassinet?

Yes, it is possible that a baby can suffocate on the side of a bassinet if the side wall is not made of mesh for proper airflow. Infant can roll over, and their face comes in contact with the side wall that blocks the airflow, causing suffocation.

To prevent this, always put your baby to sleep on his or her back.

Q4: Is Bassinet Safe For Rolling Baby?

Partially yes, bassinets are designed to be safe for newborns, but placing the baby that can roll is not safe; if you are not monitoring because the bassinet’s side, blanket, or mattress can block the airflow, it leads to suffocation.

Q5: What Age Do Babies Outgrow Bassinet?

Usually, babies outgrow their bassinet between the ages of 4 and 6 months. At this age, they are too active to sleep safely in it and too heavy to match the weight limit recommendation.

If your baby is still using a bassinet, be sure to keep a close eye on him or her and move to a crib when it becomes necessary.

Q6: Baby Outgrow Bassinet Before 3 Months?

Sometimes babies outgrow their bassinets before 3 or 4 months; this happens because babies grow faster, and its common. At that stage, you need to move the baby from the bassinet to the crib as per the RULE.

But if you still want to use the bassinet for infants, you can buy a bassinet for big babies or a bassinet for up to 12 months.

Q7: How To Know When Baby Outgrows Bassinet?

There is no definitive answer to this question since every baby is different. However, there is some sign that you can understand to estimate its time to move from bassinet to crib are;

  1. Start rolling in the bassinet,
  2. start pushing himself out of the bassinet, Or
  3. corss the weight and age limit.

If unsure, it is always best to consult your paediatrician.

Q8: How Long Does Bassinet Last?

There is no fixed number for how long a bassinet can last, but it usually lasts for 4 to 6 months, depending on the size and weight of the child. And if you follow the safety guidelines and your infant feels comfortable in it, you can even use it a little longer.

The bassinet is good as long as it is under supervision.

Also, If you want your bassinet to last longer, look for one with a higher weight limit.

Q9: Can A 6 Month Old Sleep In A Bassinet?

Yes, a 6-month-old can sleep in a bassinet because it is designed for infants and provides a safe and comfortable place to sleep. Many parents prefer bassinets over cribs because they are smaller and easier to move around.

Which one should you buy: Bassinet Vs Crib

I hope you like our guide “how long can you use a bassinet?” and it help you to make valuable decsion

Now, it’s your turn. I love to hear from you; when do you stop using a bassinet? Put your question in the comment box. I love to answer your query.

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Dr. Sakshi Patel

Dr. Sakshi Patel

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